Join us in our little corner of delight
We weren’t looking for perfection, when we started our search for the place to begin building our dream – we settled for being surrounded by Mother Nature, stunning landscapes, the evidence of history, great food, culture and friendly folk, whichever direction you head in, and none of it very far round the corner. Not too much to ask for.
Let’s introduce ourselves. We’re Jacqui and Jim Dance, and we moved to The Heath with our boys Luke and Thomas – and our dog Badger – in October, 2018, seven years after deciding to create our own campsite following a lifetime of adventure in our camper and tents of various sizes. Badger’s no longer with us, sadly, but our rescue spaniel Toby’s now well and truly at home.
We hope you’ll find life here as homely as you’d like, too. If you love growing as much as we do, and you’re drawn by the thought of the great food that surrounds us, we’ll be tickled pink.
We’re here to do what we can to make your stay as pleasant and enjoyable as the many we still hold in our memories. Life certainly is busy so, if we’re not in the office or somewhere around the site, just call the campsite mobile on 07864 744074 and let us know how we can help.

The end of another glorious day. Picture courtesy of one of our early guests, Steve Wentworth-Pollock. Thanks, Steve!
If you’re anything like us, outdoors is where you like to be. It’s certainly our happy place, so we’ve worked very hard to begin a transition of The Heath into a thriving place you’ll enjoy, and one that will – slowly but increasingly – bring huge benefits to the surrounding area too.
When we found the site, we knew the seven-year period of search and research had paid off. Biodiversity in Norton is very low. It was once a rich growing area and our land played its part with a plum orchard. That’s why we started our transformation by reinstating orchard with local and ancient varieties and protecting the trees already present.
The hedging and wildlife areas we’ve planted will see a dramatic increase in animal and insect life sharing the site with you. Look out for Roe Deer, and pheasant by the squadron scurrying around the fringes. And don’t forget to cast your gaze towards the sky. Depending on the time of day, and year, you’ll see ducks, heron, geese and buzzards crossing over the site. And a barn owl looking for a meal. And red kite. Keep your eyes peeled. Sightings are slowly growing.
We’ve thrown ourselves in head first, too – volunteering for the Vale Landscape and Heritage Trust, preparing our growing area, planting that orchard, and working with Worcestershire Wildlife Trust to improve the biodiversity of the land and protect the secret star of our home, the Noble Chafer beetle! Oh, and Jacqui’s now the biodversity champion for Norton and Lenchwick Parish Council, too.